Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Traveling for Charity

Not much to update you all on as far as my own adventures go- I've pretty much planned my weekend in Rhode Island/ Massachusetts down to the minute and am in the process of looking up deals and discounts and other ways I can save on transportation costs and admission fees. I even have my good friend Alicia (who joined me in Annapolis about a year and a half ago) driving up from her home in Connecticut to spend a day with me while I'm there. (I should also note that both she and a cousin of hers I also befriended are heckling me about when I'm going to get to their state!) After that, it's going to be all about getting to and from Washington and Alaska this August/September (doesn't someone- anyone- want to sponsor my plane ticket to Seattle?!)

In the meantime, I've just been reading random travel articles and I came across one about a girl and her dad hiking the Appalachian Trail. I was immediately interested, having lived so close to the range my entire life. About 2200 miles of trails and mountains ranging from Maine to Georgia. I walk everywhere but even that is too ambitious for me! The kicker is, she isn't just doing this for fun. She is raising awareness (and donations and food supplies) for local foods banks in support of stomping out hunger in America. How cool is that?

You can read the article here, and read their travel blog here.

Best wishes to them both!