One of these days I'm going to learn to not make "final" plans until I know they are officially final.
Remember how I said that I was done traveling for the rest of the year? Well, turns out, unless my co-workers TOTALLY flake on me, in about two weeks I'll be doing another excursion within Pennsylvania!
Otherwise, I've already set up my schedule to be available to see Georgia and Nevada before Memorial Day. I've never been to Nevada, but I actually used to LIVE in Georgia, so that will be a bit more difficult to work out.
In the meantime, I found this article about weird factoids about the states. For example, did you know that Ohio is the nerdiest state? That Florida has the highest rate of identity theft? Or that Alaska, the state I just left, has the highest suicide rate in the country? Pretty strange indeed but I thought this was at least a little entertaining and state themed, so I wanted to share.
Enjoy, and talk with you in a few weeks!
What is the Most Screwed Up Thing About Your State?