Monday, December 3, 2012

The Fight To 50

First, I owe you all a major apology. Not only have I not gotten to really travel in MONTHS, I haven't posted anything here in weeks and weeks. I will make much better efforts to keep this blog updated from now on.

With that being said, I have to admit I'm getting a little nervous. I'm more than a year in, and still haven't cracked ten states...or have I? According to some who set travel goals (such as visiting all 50 states) all you need to count is eating a meal in a state, staying a night there, or like myself, have memorable moments there. You can read the complete Fox News article here.

I have chosen that any visitations I had prior to August 2011 don't count, and that I have to have what the article calls "National Geographic moments" in order to be included in my blog. For multiple reasons my previous rapid pace has been greatly slowed, but I'm still hopeful that I will reach my goal by August 2016! While end of the year travel plans fizzled out (I was supposed to get to both northern Florida and Ohio by year's end), next year I am (planning!) to get to Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Alaska for various conventions and family/friend events, let alone any other random trips I may be able to take.

Thank you for bearing with me and for all of your support and feedback!